Penatalaksanaan Anestesi Subarachnoid Hemoragik pada Ibu Hamil

Rebecca Sidhapramudita Mangastuti, Dewi Yulianti Bisri, Bambang J. Oetoro, Siti Chasnak Saleh


Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) non traumatic pada wanita hamil, umumnya disebabkan oleh ruptur aneurisma atau arteriovenous malformation (AVM). Hipertensi pada pre eklampsi berat (PEB) dan eklampsi merupakan penyebab tersering. Gejala klinis SAH umumnya adalah nyeri kepala hebat, pandangan kabur, photofobia, mual, muntah, hingga penurunan kesadaran. Diagnosis ditegakkan berdasarkan anamnesa, pemeriksaan fisik dan pemeriksaan penunjang seperti computed tomography (CT-scan)/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomographic angiography (CTA), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), catheter angiography. Wanita hamil dengan aneurisma serebral menunjukkan perbaikan survival untuk ibu dan fetus bila clipping dilakukan setelah SAH dibandingkan dengan pengelolaan tanpa pembedahan. Reseksi AVM yang tidak pecah dapat ditunda sampai setelah melahirkan tanpa menunjukkan adanya peningkatan mortalitas ibu. Pertimbangan anestesi pada wanita hamil dengan SAH adalah keselamatan ibu dan fetus. Penurunan dari tekanan rerata ibu atau peningkatan resistensi vascular uterus akan menurunkan aliran darah uteroplasental sehingga menurunkan aliran darah umbilical yang akan membahayakan fetus. Pemberian cairan, manitol, tehnik hipotermi dan obat-obatan harus dipertimbangkan agar tidak membahayakan fetus. Pasca tindakan clipping aneurisma dilakukan triple H terapi yaitu hipertensi, hipervolemi dan hemodilusi. Prognosis ibu hamil dengan SAH sesuai dengan skala Hunt dan Hess. Makin rendah skala, makin rendah pula angka morbiditas dan mortalitas.

Management Anesthesia for Pregnant Women with Subrachnoid Hemorrhage

Non traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) in pregnant women, generally caused by a ruptured aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation (AVM). Severe hypertension in pre eclampsia (PEB) and eclampsia are common causes. Clinical symptoms of SAH are severe headache, blurred vision, photofobia, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness. Diagnois is based on anamnesis, physical examination and computed tomography (CT scan) / magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomographic angiography (CTA), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), catheter angiography. Pregnant women with cerebral aneurysms showed improved survival for both mother and fetus when clipping is done after SAH, compared with nonsurgical management. Unrupture AVM resection can be delayed until delivery, and not increased maternal mortality. Consideration of anesthesia in pregnant women with SAH is the safety of the mother and fetus. A decresase of pressure or increase in mean maternal vascullar resistance will decrease uteroplacental blood flow resulting in lower umbilical blood flow which would endanger the fetus. Fluid, mannitol, hypothermia techniques and preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative medicine should be considered, in order not to endanger the mother and fetus. Post aneurysma clipping, perfomed triple H therapy, hypertension, hipervolemik and hemodilution. The prognosis according to Hunt & Hess scale, ie the lower the scale, the lower the rate of morbidity and mortality


anestesi; ruptur aneurisma; subarachnoid hemorrhage; wanita hamil; anesthesia; rupture aneurysm; pregnant women; subarachnoid hemorrhage

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