Penatalaksanaan Anestesi pada Pasien Stroke Hemoragik

Rebecca Sidhapramudita Mangastuti, Bambang J. Oetoro, Sudadi Sudadi


Stroke terjadi akibat terganggunya aliran darah ke otak secara tiba-tiba. Penyebab terbanyak stroke adalah berkurangnya pasokan darah ke otak (stroke iskemik). Penyebab stroke lainnya adalah perdarahan (stroke hemoragik). Perdarahan intraserebral (ICH) terjadi akibatnya pecahnya pembuluh darah otak. Lokasi terjadinya stroke dapat di basal ganglia, cerebelum, batang otak atau kortek serebri. Penyebab perdarahan intraserebral adalah hipertensi, trauma, infeksi, tumor, defisiensi faktor pembekuan darah, terapi antikoagulan, malformasi arterivena (AVM). Laki-laki, 67 tahun dengan GCS 5 (E1M3V1) dengan terapi rutin antikoagulan menderita serangan stroke hemoragik. CT scan memperlihatkan adanya perdarahan intraparenkim lobus parieto-temporo-oksipital kanan 53,3 ml, perifokal edema, herniasi subflacin kiri 13,9 mm dan herniasi central downward. Pasien dilakukan kraniotomi evakuasi hematom dan dekompresi dengan anestesi umum. Pasien dalam kondisi umum stabil saat operasi berlangsung. Postoperasi, pasien dirawat di Intensive Care Unit. Pasien dinyatakan mati batang otak pada hari kedua pasca operasi dan meninggal pada hari keempat.


Anesthetic Management in Patients with Hemorrhagic Stroke

Stroke is triggered by a sudden interruption of blood supply to the brain. The most frequent etiology of stroke is decrease blood supply to the brain (ischemic stroke). Another stroke is caused by rupture of blood brain vessel (hemorrhagic stroke). Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) occurs when a blood vessel within the brain bursts. Stroke locates mainly in basal ganglia, cerebellum, brain stem or cerebral cortex. The common cause of intracerebral hemorrhage are hypertension, trauma, infection, tumors, blood coagulation factor deficiencies, anticoagulant therapy, or arteriovenous malformations. We reported a 67-years old, man with, GCS 5 (E1M3V1) on routine anticoagulant therapy who experienced hemorrhagic stroke. Brain CT-scan examination showed bleeding in intra parenchimal right parieto-temporo-occipital lobe about 53,3 mL, perifokal edema, subflacin sinistra 13,9 mm and central downward herniation. Patient was performed craniotomy to evacuate the hematome and decompresion with general anesthesia. During surgery patient had a relatively stable condition. After surgery, the patient was treated in intensive care unit but declared brain stem dead on day-2 post surgery an died day-4.



Anestesi; perdarahan intrakranial; stroke; anesthesia; intracranial hemorrhage; stroke

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