Indonesian Society of Neuroanesthesia & Critical Care (INA-SNACC).
INA-SNACC is association of Neuroanesthesia Consultant Anesthesiology and Critical Care (SpAnKNA) and trainees who are following the neuroanesthesia & critical care (NACC) education. After becoming a Specialist Anesthesiology (SpAn), a SpAn will take another (two) years for NACC education and training in addition to learning from teachers in Indonesia. KNA trainee also receive education of teachers/ experts in the field of NACC from Singapore.
Latest/renewed agreement numbers are:
1. With Indonesian Medical Association (IDI): decision letter for the composition of the INA-SNACC seminar management period 2021-2024
2. Members of ASNACC: ASNACC was established by the founding members of Japan, South Korea, India, Indonesia, China and Singapore, and joined in quick succession by the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand, Myanmar.
The Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia is genereously sponsored by the following organization Indonesian Society of Neuronanesthesia and Critical Care (INA-SNACC)