Editor of the Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia receives neuroscientific articles in the form of research reports, case reports, literature review, either clinically or to the biomolecular level, as well as letters to the editor. Manuscript under consideration that may be uploaded is a full text of article which has not been published in other journal. The manuscript which has been published in proceedings of scientific meetings is acceptable with written permission from the organizers. JNI is published every four month (February, June, October) and has been accredited commencing February 2021 decree No. 200/M/KPT/2020, indexed in Portal Garuda, Google Scholar, ISJD (Indonesian Scientific Journal Database), Crossref, Dimension, Onesearch, Index Copernicus, Worldcat, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), PKP Index, Ebsco, DOAJ, Research Gate, Harvard library. Published by the Indonesian Society of Neuroanesthesia and Critical Care (INA-SNACC). INA-SNACC is association of Neuroanesthesia Consultant Anesthesiology and Critical Care (SpAnKNA) and trainees who are following the NACC education. |
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ISSN (Print): 2088-9674 ISSN (Online): 2460-2302 DOI (Crossref): 10.24244/jni
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Vol 13, No 3 (2024)
Table of Contents
Original Articles
Cassandra Etania, Rr Sinta Irina, Muhammad Ihsan
Lisda Amalia, Aditya Islami
Case Report
Tengku Addi Saputra, Radian Ahmad Halimi, Hamzah Hamzah
I Made Stepanus Biondi Pramantara, I Wayan Niryana, Agung Bagus Sista Sista Satyarsa, Nyoman Golden, Tjokorda Gede Bagus Mahadewa, Sri Maliawan, I Putu Pramana Suarjaya
Kenanga Marwan Sikumbang, Ayu Juniarti, Aswin Febria, Arif Budiman Susatya, Oky Susianto
Bagas Emas, Achmad Wahib Wahju Winarso, Dewi Yulianti Bisri
Muhammad Riza Mahendratama, M. Mukhlis Rudi Prihatno, Nugroho Wicaksono
Literature Review
Gabriela Nagatri, Dicky Arjuna Situmorang, Natanael Ramoti, Andre Marolop Pangihutan Siahaan, Rr. Suzy Indharty, Steven Tandean