Penatalaksanaan Anestesi pada Pasien Cedera Kepala Berat akibat Hematoma Epidural Akut disertai Kehamilan

Bau Indah Aulyan Syah, I Putu Pramana Suarjaya, Sri Rahardjo, Siti Chasnak Saleh


Penanganan cedera kepala berat selalu bertujuan untuk mempertahankan tekanan perfusi otak (TPO) dan mencegah peningkatan tekanan intrakranial yang dapat menyebabkan cedera otak sekunder. Pada pasien dengan kehamilan, janin juga harus dipantau. Hiperventilasi harus dihindari karena berefek buruk terhadap perfusi otak dan aliran darah plasenta. Seorang wanita, 25 tahun, 60 kg, 160 cm datang ke rumah sakit akibat trauma kepala karena kecelakaan lalu lintas yang dialami kurang dari 1 jam sebelum masuk rumah sakit dengan GCS E4M6V4. Pasien dalam keadaan hamil G1P0A0 dengan usia kehamilan 28–30 minggu. Di unit gawat darurat terjadi penurunan kesadaran mendadak hingga GCS E1M5V1 sehingga dilakukan intubasi endotrakhea disusul dengan pemeriksaan CT Scan dengan hasil hematoma epidural dekstra dan hematoma subarachnoid disertai midline shift. Pasien kemudian menjalani operasi evakuasi hematoma epidural dengan anestesi umum kemudian di rawat di unit perawatan intensif dengan pipa endotrakhea masih dipertahankan. Denyut jantung janin (DJJ) masih terdengar dan dilakukan observasi ketat DJJ selama perawatan di ICU. Namun setelah beberapa hari di ICU, janin dinyatakan meninggal. Ringkasan: Pasien cedera kepala berat dengan hematoma epidural dan subarachnoid disertai kehamilan telah menjalani operasi anestesi umum dengan tetap memperhatikan pemeliharaan tekanan perfusi otak (TPO) dan mempertahankan kondisi janin dalam batas normal. Meskipun pada akhirnya janin tidak bisa diselamatkan akibat lamanya perawatan ibu dengan ventilator.

Anesthesia Management for Patients in Pregnancy with Severe Head Injury Due to Acute Epidural Hematoma

Management of severe head injury cases, in any given situation, is targeted to maintain cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), and preventing increase of intracranial pressure that possibly cause secondary brain injury. In a case of pregnancy, besides considering the maternal status, fetus condition is equally important to observe. Hyperventilation should be avoided due to its possible detrimental effect to both the brain perfusion and placental blood flow. A 25 year old female, 60 kg, 160 cm, was taken to the hospital due to head trauma caused by a traffic accident, roughly about an hour prior to hospitalization. GCS was E4M6V4. The patient was in her 28 – 30 week of pregnancy (G1P0A0). Sudden decrease in consciousness occurred and GCS lowered to E1M5V1. Endotracheal intubation was then prompted. Epidural haematoma subarachnoid haematoma with midline shift revealed in CT scan. The patient underwent epidural hematoma evacuation with general anesthesia then transferred to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with ETT maintained. Fetal heart rate remains heard, followed with close monitoring of the fetal heart rate during treatment in the ICU. After 3 days in ICU, fetus died. Summary: A pregnant patient with severe head injury of epidural and subarachnoid bleeding, has undergone an operation with general anesthesia. The fetus was unfortunately cannot be saved due to the patient long ventilator treatment.


Cedera kepala berat; hematoma epidural; kehamilan; severe head injury; epidural hematoma; pregnancy

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