Kelainan Neurologi akibat Kondisi Hiperkoagulasi pada Pasien Coronavirus Disease-19

Lisda Amalia


Koagulopati merupakan salah satu manifestasi klinis dari Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (Covid-19) berat, dan menyebabkan buruknya prognosis penyakit. Manifestasi klinis dari Covid-19 memiliki spektrum yang luas, yaitu asimtomatik, gejala ringan tidak spesifik (demam, batuk kering, diare), pneumonia ringan, pneumonia berat (dispnea, takipnea, dan pertukaran gas terganggu), sindrom gangguan pernapasan akut (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome/ARDS), koagulasi intravaskular diseminata (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation/DIC), sepsis, dan sindrom disfungsi multiorgan multipel. Pasien Covid-19 mengalami keadaan inflamasi berat yang menyebabkan peningkatan aktivasi kaskade koagulasi, peningkatan trombin, dan keadaan hiperkoagulasi sehingga meningkatkan risiko terjadi trombosis di pembuluh darah otak maupun medulla spinalis. Keadaan seperti usia tua, merokok, hipertensi, diabetes, penyakit kardiovaskular, penyakit paru obstruktif kronik, dan keganasan dapat meningkatkan risiko pasien mengalami derajat Covid-19 yang lebih berat dan mortalitas yang lebih tinggi. Keberadaan komplikasi Covid-19 seperti trombosis dapat mempengaruhi prognosis dan angka mortalitas pasien.


Neurological Disorder Related Hypercoagulable Condition after Coronavirus Disease-19


Coagulopathy is one of the clinical manifestations of severe Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (Covid-19), and causes a poor prognosis of the disease. The clinical manifestations of Covid-19 have a broad spectrum, namely asymptomatic, non-specific mild symptoms (fever, dry cough, diarrhea), mild pneumonia, severe pneumonia (dyspnea, tachypnea, and impaired gas exchange), acute respiratory distress syndrome (Acute Respiratory Syndrome). Distress Syndrome/ARDS), Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC), sepsis, and multiple multiorgan dysfunction syndrome. Covid-19 patients experience a severe inflammatory state that causes an increase in the activation of the coagulation cascade, an increase in thrombin, and a hypercoagulable state, thereby increasing the risk of thrombosis in the blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord. Conditions such as old age, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and malignancy can increase a patient's risk of experiencing a more severe degree of COVID-19 and higher mortality. The presence of Covid-19 complications such as thrombosis can affect the patient's prognosis and mortality


Covid-19, hiperkoagulasi, stroke, trombosis

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