Penatalaksanaan Anestesi pada Pasien dengan Tumor Supratentorial Berukuran Besar Suspek Konveksitas Meningioma

Caroline Wullur, Dewi Yulianti Bisri


Penatalaksanaan anestesi untuk kasus meningioma memiliki beberapa hal khusus yang penting untuk dilaksanakan. Jaringan otak tertutup oleh tulang kranium. Karena hubungan kontinu dari aliran darah dan volume jaringan otak, maka resiko perdarahan dan edema sangat tinggi. Tanpa pendekatan anestesi yang tepat, maka dapat meningkatkan resiko edema dan perdarahan otak karena manipulasi operasi. Pada kasus ini dilaporkan pasien berusia 35 tahun dengan keluhan nyeri kepala di daerah frontal disertai dengan penurunan penglihatan sejak 1 tahun sebelum masuk rumah sakit. Pasien tidak pernah mengalami kejang ataupun penurunan kesadaran. Pasien didiagnosa dengan tumor supratentorial ec suspek conveksitas meningioma yang direncanakan dilakukan pembedahan kraniotomi untuk pengangkatan tumor. Status fisik ASA 2 dengan defisit neurologis. Pasien dilakukan dengan anestesi umum dengan intubasi. Induksi dengan fentanil, propofol dan vecuronium. Operasi berlangsung selama 7,5 jam. Pascabedah, pasien dirawat di Unit Perawatan Intensif selama 2 hari sebelum pindah ke ruangan. Perlakuan anestesi dan pengaturan faktor fisiologi mempunyai dampak yang besar terhadap jaringan otak. Dokter anestesi harus mempunyai pengetahuan mengenai efek obat dan manipulasi lainnya untuk mencapai hasil operasi yang baik.


Anaesthetic Management of a Patient with Large Supratentorial Brain Tumor Suspected Convexity Meningioma

Anesthesia for meningioma cases has several specific important considerations. The brain is enclosed in a rigid skull. Brain tissue is highly vascularized therefore the risk of bleeding and edema are very high. Without the correct anaesthetic approach, the risk of bleeding and edema due to surgical manipulation may be increased. This phenomenon may have negative impact since the visual of surgical field will be limited. In this case, we reported a 35-year old female patient with severe headache at the frontal region accompanied with visual impairment since 1 year prior to hospital admittance. This patient was never experienced any seizures or inconsiousness. Patient was diagnosed with supratentorial tumor caused by suspect of convexity meningioma and was planned tumor removal craniotomy. ASA II physical status with neurological deficit. The patient was on general anaesthesia with intubation. Induction was performed using fentanyl, propofol and vecuronium while continuous propofol and vecuronium were used for maintenance. The surgery lasted for 7.5 hours. After surgery, the patient was treated in the Intensive Care Unit for 2 days prior to inpatient ward transfer. Anaesthetic management and physiological factors control have a positive impact on the brain tissue. Anaesthesiologist must have the comprehensive knowledge on drug effects and other manipulations to achieve positive result of a surgery.


Anestesi umum; supratentorial tumor; konveksitas meningioma; general anaesthesia; supratentorial tumor; convexity meningioma

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