Penatalaksanaan Anestesi untuk Operasi Tumor Fossa Posterior disertai Hidrosefalus
Operasi tumor fossa posterior mempunyai permasalahan spesifik antara lain penekanan jalur aliran cairan serebrospinal sehingga terjadi hidrosefalus yang akan meningkatkan tekanan intrakranial. Seorang wanita 25 tahun, berat badan 52 kg masuk ke rumah sakit dengan keluhan utama kepala pusing yang dialami sejak 5 jam sebelum masuk rumah sakit disertai mual, muntah, telinga rasa berdengung, dan nyeri ulu hati. Hasil pemeriksaan MSCT kepala axial tanpa kontras ditemukan hidrosefalus non-communicating, tumor serebellum hemisfer kanan, curiga astrositoma, diagnosis banding medulloblastoma. Pada pemeriksaan MSCT kepala potongan aksial, coronal dan sagittal dengan kontras ditemukan massa tumor daerah fossa posterior, sangat mungkin suatu pilokistik serebelar astrositoma disertai hidrosefalus ringan, didiagnosis hidrosefalus tipe obstruksi dan tumor serebellum serta ditemukan tanda-tanda peningkatan tekanan intrakranial dengan hidrosefalus, sehingga dilakukan pemasangan VP-shunt sebelum eksisi tumor. Teknik anestesi dilakukan dengan metode untuk mempertahankan perfusi otak sambil memelihara otak tetap rileks demi memfasilitasi pembedahan seperti hiperventilasi, pemberian mannitol 20% dan mempertahankan MAP yang adekuat. Operasi VP-shunt dalam posisi supine dan operasi fossa posterior dalam posisi prone berlangsung selama 4,5 jam. Dilakukan penundaan ekstubasi postoperatif. Ekstubasi dilakukan keesokan harinya di unit perawatan intensif. Pasien tersedasi dan terventilasi selama 14 jam. Tidak ditemukan adanya emboli udara vena. Pasca ekstubasi, pernapasan adekuat, hemodinamik stabil, dan tidak ada gangguan neurologis yang signifikan.
Management of Anesthesia for Fossa Posterior Tumor with Hydrocephalus Surgery
Fossa posterior tumor removal procedure may have spesific problem including obstruction of cerebral spinal fluid pathway, development of hydrocephalus and an increased intracranial pressure. A 25 year old woman, 52 kgs, admitted to the hospital with major complaint of dizziness occurred approximatelly 5 hours prior to hospital admission. The patient also suffered from nausea, vomiting, buzzing hearings, and heartburn sensation. The non-contrast MSCT revealed a non-communicating hydrocephalus, tumor of the right cerebellar hemisphere, suspected as astrocytoma with differential diagnosis of medullablastoma. From axial, coronal and sagittal view of MSCT with contrast, a tumor mass was found in the posterior fossa, and most likely to be considered as a polycystic cerebellar astrocytoma with mild hydrocephalus. She was diagnosed with obstructive type of hydrocephalus and cerebellar tumor with increased intracranial pressure signs due to hydrocephalus, and planned for VP shunt prior to the tumor removal. To maintain brain perfusion as well as to ensure brain relaxation, anesthesia management was done with several methods such as hyperventilation, administration of mannitol 20%, while maintaining adequacy of MAP. The VP shunting was conducted in supine position, whilst the posterior fossa excision in conducted in prone position. Both procedures were done in 4.5 hours. Postoperative extubation was postponed until the following day at the intensive care unit. The patient was sedated and ventilated for 14 hours. No sign of venous air embolisms. Post extubation on the next day, the patient’s breathing and hemodynamic statuses were both stabile and adequate, with no significant neurological defect.
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