Manajemen Anestesia pada Carotid Endarterectomy: Pasien dengan Kinking Arteri Karotis Interna

Riyadh Firdaus, Iwan Fuadi, Sri Rahardjo, A Himendra Wargahadibrata


Prosedur Carotid Endarterectomy (CEA) adalah prosedur penting untuk pencegahan stroke karena sumbatan arteri karotis. Seorang laki-laki 71 tahun akan dilakukan operasi CEA. Pasien mengeluh pusing berputar, riwayat hipertensi diakui sejak 10 tahun dengan tekanan darah tertinggi 170/100 mmHg, riwayat stroke diakui 1 tahun yang lalu dan 1,5 bulan lalu. Gejala sisa stroke saat ini kelemahan extremitas sebelah kiri. Pasien terdapat riwayat sakit jantung, irama tidak teratur, tidak disertai sesak nafas 1 tahun yang lalu dan saat itu diberikan amiodaron tablet. Operasi dilakukan dengan anestesi umum, menggunakan pipa endotrakeal no.8.0, ventilasi kendali. Obat yang dipergunakan adalah midazolam 1 mg iv, fentanyl 150 mcg iv, propofol 70 mg iv, rocuronium 40 mg iv. Rumatan dilanjutkan dengan sevofluran, fraksi oksigen 45% dan propofol bolus jika diperlukan. Monitoring tanda vital (tekanan darah, nadi, SaO2, elektrokardiografi) dan artery line. CEA dilakukan selama 3,5 jam, tidak ditemukan stenosis tetapi terdapat kinking. Selama operasi hemodinamik relatif stabil. Pascaoperasi pasien di rawat di ruang perawatan intensif. Berbagai pendekatan bedah telah dikemukakan untuk kinking arteri karotis interna. Pilihan pendekatan dipengaruhi oleh pemilihan pasien, penilaian praoperasi & optimasi, dan manajemen perioperatif & perawatan untuk pasien yang akan menjalani CEA.


Anesthetic Management for Carotid Endarterectomy:
Patient with Internal Carotid Artery Kinking

Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) is an important procedure for stroke prevention due to obstruction of carotid artery. A 71 years old male was scheduled for CEA surgery. The patient complained of spinning headache. He had been suffered from hypertension since 10 years ago with highest blood pressure of 170/100 mmHg, and had a two times stroke 1 year and 1.5 months ago. Sequelae symptom of stroke is weakness on the left extremity. Patient also had a history of heart disease, irregular rhythm, without shortness of breath approximatelly1year ago, treated with amiodarone tablets. The CEA operation was performed under general anesthesia using endotrachenal tube 8.0, controlled ventilation, 1 mg midazolam, 150 mcg fentanyl, 70 mg propofol and 40 mg rocuronium, given intravenously. Maintenance of anesthesia was done using sevoflurane, oxygen fraction of 45% and propofol 10 mg given intermittently as needed. Noninvasive vital signs monitoring and invasive arterial blood pressure were recorded. Hemodynamics were stable during the 3.5 hours operation. We found no plaque but a kinking on the carotid artery. Postoperatively, patients was admitted to the intensive care unit. Various surgical approaches have been done and developed to manage the internal carotid artery kinking. Options approach is influenced by patient selection, preoperative assessment and optimization, and perioperative management and care for patients undergoing CEA


Anestesi umum; kinking arteri karotis interna; carotid endarterectomy; General anesthesia; kinking of the internal carotid artery; carotid endarterectomy

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