Penatalaksanaan Perioperatif Cedera Otak Traumatik pada Pasien Berusia Lanjut

Silmi Adriman, Nazaruddin Umar, Marsudi Rasman


Data epidemiologi terus menunjukkan peningkatan populasi penduduk berusia lanjut dan berdampak pada peningkatan permintaan layanan kesehatan, termasuk kebutuhan untuk menjalani prosedur pembedahan karena berbagai sebab. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah cedera otak traumatik (COT), termasuk di dalamnya perdarahan epidural, subdural dan intraserebral (epidural, subdural, intracerebral hemorrhage/EDH, SDH, ICH). Pada pasien berusia lanjut, COT bertanggung jawab terhadap lebih dari 80.000 kasus dengan tiga-perempat diantaranya harus menjalani rawat inap setiap tahunnya. Perencanaan penatalaksanaan perioperatif membutuhkan pertimbangkan beberapa hal untuk mencapai tingkat anestesi dan analgesi yang optimal pada pasien berusia lanjut. Seorang laki-laki, 65 tahun, dibawa ke rumah sakit dengan penurunan kesadaran pasca kecelakaan bermotor. Setelah resusitasi dan stabilisasi didapatkan jalan napas bebas, laju pernapasan 18 kali/menit, tekanan darah 140/80 mmHg, laju nadi 88 kali/menit. Pada pasien dilakukan tindakan kraniotomi evakuasi EDH dan kraniektomi evakuasi SDH dan ICH dengan anestesi umum dan dengan memperhatikan prinsip neuroanestesi serta geriatri anestesi selama tindakan bedah berlangsung.


Perioperative Management of Traumatic Brain Injury
in Elderly Surgical Patients

Current epidemiological data showed an increasing number of elderly population, whereas in accordance with an increased demand for health care service, including surgical treatments for elderly. Traumatic brain injury (TBI), such as epidural hemorrhage (EDH), subdural hemorrhage (SDH) and intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) are among the demanded surgery in elderly. In elderly population, TBI is responsible for more than 80.000 emergency department cases each year; with approximately three-quarters of these cases require further hospitalization. Perioperative management planning requires some considerationsin order to achieve the optimal level of anesthesia and analgesia in the elderly patients. A 65 years old male patient was admitted to the hospital with decreased level of consciousness after motor vehicle traffic injury. During resuscitation, airway was clear, respiratory rate was 18 x/min, blood pressure was 140/80 mmHg, heart rate was 88 x/min. Patient directly underwent an emergency craniotomy evacuation of EDH, SDH and ICH under general anesthesia with continue and comprehensive care of neuroanesthesia and geriatric anesthesia principles.


Geriatri; cedera otak traumatik; penatalaksanaan perioperatif; Geriatry; traumatic brain injury; perioperative management

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