Karakteristik Klinis Pasien Trombosis Sinus Venosus Serebral (TSVS) di Ruang Rawat Inap Neurologi Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung

Lisda Amalia


Latar Belakang dan Tujuan: Trombosis sinus venosus serebral (TSVS) merupakan penyakit akibat oklusi struktur vena intrakranial, termasuk sinus serebral, vena korteks, dan bagian proksimal vena jugularis. Keterlambatan diagnosis dan terapi dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya komplikasi seperti infark berdarah bahkan kematian.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik klinis pasien TSVS yang diagnosisnya telah dikonfirmasi melalui pemeriksaan DSA.
Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif observasional retrospektif. Pada pasien yang telah didiagnosis TSVS di Bagian Neurologi Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung periode Juni 2015 sampai November 2017.
Hasil: Terdapat 33 subjek dengan rentang usia 40-49 tahun (24,2%) dan mayoritas adalah perempuan sebanyak 22 orang (66,7%). Faktor resiko terbanyak adalah infeksi 8 orang (24,2%), dan kondisi protrombotik sebanyak 6 orang (18,2%). Gejala klinis terbanyak adalah nyeri kepala yaitu 27 orang (81,8%). Lokasi sinus yang tersering mengalami trombosis adalah sinus transversus pada 28 orang dengan gejala mayoritas nyeri kepala. Kadar D-Dimer ditemukan meningkat dengan rata-rata 1,21 mg/L.
Simpulan: Pasien TSVS terjadi pada perempuan dengan rentang usia dekade pertengahan dan faktor resiko terbanyak adalah infeksi. Nyeri kepala merupakan gejala paling sering. Lokasi trombosis mayoritas terjadi pada sinus transversus dan ditemukan peningkatan D-Dimer.


Clinical Characteristics of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST) Patients in Neurology Ward Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung


Background and Objective: CVST is an entity caused by intracranial vein, including cerebral sinuses, cortical vein and proximal part of the jugular vein. A delay in diagnosing and treating can result in brain infarct with hemorrhagic transformation, even death. The goal of this study is to learn the clinical characteristics of patients with CVST that had been confirmed by DSA.
Method: This was a retrospective observational descriptive study and subjects were hospitalized patients which had been diagnosed CVST in Neurology ward Hasan Sadikin General Hospital from June 2015 to November 2017.

Results: there was 33 subjects with most (22 patient/66.7%) being women between 40-49 years old. In this study the most frequently found risk factor was infection in 8 subjects (24.2%), prothrombotic conditions in 6 subjects (18.2%). The clinical manifestations were mainly headache in 27 subjects (81,8%). The sinus most often involved was the transverse sinus (28 subjects) with the clinical manifestation being headache. D-dimer levels were also increased with mean 1.21 mg/dl.

Conclusion: CVST patients are mostly in women at the midle age of decade, with infection being the most frequent risk. Headache was the most frequent clinical manifestation. Location of thrombosis were more often found on the transverse sinus and D-Dimer level was increased.


TSVS; DSA; karakteristik klinis; clinical characteristic; CVST; DSA;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24244/jni.v9i2.244


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