Anestesia untuk Kraniotomi Tumor Supratentorial

Diana Christine Lalenoh, Hermanus Lalenoh, Nancy Margareta Rehatta


Tumor supratentorial tersering pada orang dewasa adalah glioma (36%), meningioma (32.1%), dan adenoma pituitary (8.4%). Sekitar separuh dari tumor tersebut adalah ganas. Mayoritas tumor tumor tersebut (>80%) adalah supratentorial. Untuk seluruh tumor primer, rata-rata usia terdeteksi adanya tumor otak adalah 57 tahun. Angka pasti insidens metastase tumor otak tidak diketahui namun diperkirakan cukup rendah. Dari sekitar 25% pasien yang meninggal karena kanker, ditemukan adanya metastase dari tumor sistem saraf pusat (SSP) pada otopsi. Ada lima sumber keganasan yang sering metastase ke otak yaitu kanker payudara, kanker kolorektal, kanker paru, dan melanoma. Enam persen dari pasien dengan komplikasi tersebut muncul dalam 1 tahun setelah terdeteksi adanya tumor primer. Lima jenis kanker tersebut yang sering menyebabkan metastase otak pada sekitar 37.000 kasus di Amerika Serikat. Jurnal Neuroanestesia Indonesia 17 Dilaporkan keberhasilan penanganan anestesi pada seorang pasien, wanita 56 tahun, dengan berat badan 65 kg. Pasien tersebut didiagnosis sebagai Space Occupaying Lession (SOL) kanan DD/Meningioma. Pasien dilakukan operasi kraniotomi untuk pengeluaran tumor. Tekanan darah saat masuk kamar operasi 176/100 mmHg, laju nadi 98 kali / menit, laju napas 20 kali / menit, suhu badan 370 C, dan GCS E4V5M6. Pasien diinduksi dengan Fentanyl 100 μg, Propofol 100 mg, fasilitas intubasi dengan Rocuronium 40 mg, Lidokain 70 mg, dan pemeliharaan dengan Sevofluran dan Oksigen serta Propofol kontinyu, dan penambahan fentanyl dan rokuronium intermiten. Infus terpasang dua jalur. Operasi berlangsung selama tujuh jam dua puluh menit. Dengan terpasang nasal kanul dan oksigen 3 liter/menit, pasien dipindahkan ke ICU. Pasien dirawat selama satu hari di ICU, kemudian dipindahkan ke ruangan. Setelah lima hari pasien dirawat di ruangan kemudian pasien dipulangkan dan rawat jalan dengan dokter bedah saraf. Anestesi untuk tumor supratentorial membutuhkan suatu pengertian mengenai patofisiologi dari penekanan tekanan intrakranial (TIK) lokal maupun secara keseluruhan; pengaturan dan pemeliharaan perfusi intraserebral; bagaimana menghindari akibat pengaruh sekunder dari sistemik terhadap otak. Persiapan perioperatif yang cermat dan terstruktur sangat penting pada penanganan anestesi untuk tumor supratentorial, yang meliputi persiapan pasien preoperasi, persiapan kelengkapan obat, alat, dan monitoring, serta perencanaan pelaksanaan anestesi sampai dengan pananganan pasca operasi. 

Anesthesia For Craniotomy Supratentorial Tumor

The common supratentorial tumors in adults are glioma (36%), meningioma (32.1%), and adenoma pituitary (8.4%). Approximately half of these tumors are malignant. The majority of them (> 80%) are supratentorial. For the entire primary tumor, the average age when a brain tumor was detected is 57 years old. The exact number of metastatic brain tumor incidence is unknown, but it is assumed quite low. The existence of metastatic tumor of the central nervous system (SSP) is found at the autopsy of around 25% of patients who died of cancer. There are five sources of malignancy which often cause metastasis to the brain, namely breast cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, and melanoma. In six percent of patients, these complications appeared within a year after the primary tumor is detected. These five cancers frequently cause the brain metastases in approximately 37.000 cases in the United States. It is reported the successful handling of anesthesia on a woman 56 years old, weighing 65 kg. This patient was diagnosed with Space Occupying Lession (SOL) right DD / Meningioma. Craniotomy surgery was performed for tumor expenditure. At the time she entered the operating room, her blood pressure was 176/100 mmHg, pulse rate beats / minute, respiratory rate 20 times / minute, body temperature of 37o C, and GCS E4V5M6. She was induced with Fentanyl 100 mg, 100 mg Propofol; intubation facilities are Rocuronium 40 mg, Lidocaine 70 mg, maintenance with Inhalan Sevoflurane and Oxygen, along with continuous Propofol, the addition of Fentanyl and intermittent Rocuronium. Infusion was attached in two pathways.The surgery lasted seven hours and twenty minutes. With nasal cannula and oxygen 3 liters / minute attached, the patient was transferred to ICU. She was treated for one day in ICU, before moved into a ward. After stay in the ward for five days, she was discharged and became an outpatient of neurosurgeon. Anesthesia for supratentorial tumor requires an understanding of pathophysiology of intracranial pressure (ICP) suppression locally and entirely; setting up and maintenance of intracerebral perfusion; how to avoid secondary effects of a systemic effect on the brain. Accurate and structured perioperative preparation is critical for handling of anesthesia for supratentorial tumors, which includes the preparation of the patient pre-surgery, completeness preparation of drugs, devices, and monitoring, as well as planning the implementation of the anesthesia until post-surgery tendance.



anestesi; neuroproteksi farmakologik; neuroproteksi non farmakologik; tumor supratentorial; Anesthesia; non-pharmacological neuroprotection; pharmacological neuroprotection; Supratentorial tumors

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