Hubungan Jumlah Leukosit dan C-Reactive Protein (CRP) dengan Luaran Pasien Cedera Otak Traumatik (COT) berdasarkan Skor Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin

Irvan Maulana, Kenanga M. Sikumbang, Asnawati Asnawati


Latar Belakang dan Tujuan: Tingkat keparahan dari cedera otak traumatik (COT) dapat dinilai menggunakan Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). Saat terjadi cedera kepala, tubuh akan melepaskan berbagai mediator inflamasi, leukosit dan penanda radang yaitu C-Reactive Protein (CRP). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara jumlah leukosit dan CRP dengan luaran pasien COT berdasarkan skor GCS di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin.
Subjek dan Metode: Penelitian menggunakan studi desain observasional analitik dengan rancangan potong lintang. Data diambil secara consecutive sampling.
Hasil: Didapatkan 45 subjek dengan hasil rerata jumlah leukosit dan kadar CRP tertinggi ada pada pasien COT berat diikuti dengan COT sedang dan COT ringan. Pada hari ke-7, didapatkan 41 pasien dengan luaran yang baik dan 4 pasien dengan luaran yang buruk. Analisis menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman menunjukan terdapat hubungan antara jumlah leukosit (p=0,004; r=0,424) dan CRP dengan luaran pasien COT (p=0,043; r=0,361).
Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara jumlah leukosit dan kadar CRP dengan luaran pasien COT berdasarkan skor GCS


Association of Leukocyte Count and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Levels with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Patient Outcome based on Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Score in Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin


Background and Objective: The severity of traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be assessed using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). When head injury occurs, the body releases various inflammatory mediators, leukocytes and inflammatory markers, namely c-reactive protein (CRP). The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a correlation between the leukocyte count and CRP levels with the outcome of TBI patients based on GCS scores in Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin.
Subject and Method: This research is an analytic observational with cross-sectional approach. Data acquired with consecutive sampling method.
Result: We Obtained 45 subjects with the highest mean of leukocytes count and the highest CRP levels in patients with severe TBI followed by moderate TBI and mild TBI. On the 7th day, 41 patients had good outcome and 4 patients had bad outcome. Analysis using the Spearman correlation test showed that there was a relationship between the leukocyte count (p = 0.004; r = 0.424) and CRP levels with the outcome of TBI patients (p = 0.043; r = 0.361).
Conclusion: It was concluded that there is a correlation between leukocyte count and CRP levels with the outcome of TBI patients based on GCS scores


cedera otak traumatik; jumlah leukosit; CRP; skor GCS; CRP; GCS score; leukocyte count; traumatic brain injury

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