Peran Neuro Critical Care Pada Tata Laksana Pasien Cedera Aksonal Difus

Bambang Harijono, Siti Chasnak Saleh


Cedera aksonal difus (Diffuse Axonal Injury / DAI) adalah keadaan penderita dengan kehilangan kesadaran, lebih dari 6 jam pada cedera otak traumatik berat dan tanpa lesi masa intrakranial. Berdasar lama kondisi koma pada pasien, DAI dibagi menjadi 3 kategori, kelas I (ringan), kelas II (sedang), kelas III (berat). Bila tidak ditangani dengan cepat dan tepat, kemungkinan pasien akan mengalami cacat permanen dan tetap dalam kondisi vegetative. Peran Neuro Anestesi dan Critical Care adalah untuk menangani penderita, dimulai dari tempat kejadian trauma hingga perawatan neurointensif. Seorang wanita, umur 18 tahun, berat badan 50 kg, tinggi 165 cm. Mengalami kecelakaan sepeda motor, kemudian penderita pingsan mulai dari tempat kejadian sampai dibawa ke rumah sakit. Dilakukan monitoring tekanan intrakranial (ICP) dan perawatan cedera otak traumatik berat pada umumnya. Pada hari ke 4 setelah trauma, penderita mulai sadar, dapat diperintah dan dengan nilai Glasgow Outcomes Scale (GOS): 3 (cacat parah). DAI terjadi karena cedera otak berat setelah trauma sehingga menyebabkan penurunan kesadaran tanpa adanya lesi masa intrakranial maupun iskemik. Bermacam-macam teori dikemukakan mengenai terjadinya DAI. Penatalaksanaan DAI tidak ada yang khusus, dilaksanakan penanganan seperti pada cedera otak traumatik umumnya, hanya diperlukan pencegahan cedera sekunder dan mempertahankan tekanan intrakranial (ICP) dalam kondisi normal. Prognosa tergantung dari jenis DAI yang terjadi.


The Role Of Neurocritical Care On Diffuse Axonal Injury Management

Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) is a state of long-time unconsciousness, more than 6 hours in severe traumatic brain injury and without mass lesions of intracranial. According to how long the patient still in coma condition, DAI is divided into 3 categories, grade I (mild), grade II (moderate), grade III (severe). If this condition not addressed quickly and accurately, the patient may will get a permanent disability and still in a vegetative state condition. The importance of Neuro-anesthesiologist and Critical Care is to take care of the patient, from the trauma site until in the neurointensive care. A woman, 18 years old, weight 50 kg, height 165 cm. She had a motorcycle accident and unconscious from the trauma site until she got into the hospital. Intra Cranial Pressure (ICP) Monitoring and a treatment of traumatic brain injury in general was performes. On the 4th day after trauma, the patient began to understand the command that was given and the GOS (Glasgow Outcomes Scale) is 3 (severe disability). DAI occurs due to severe brain injury after trauma resulting in impairment of consciousness with the absence of intracranial mass lesions and also ischemia. The various theories bring to the surface regarding the occurrence of DAI. The management in DAI is nothing specials, it contains the treatment in traumatic brain injury in general, the prevention of secondary injury and maintain ICP in normal condition is essentials. The prognosis is depends on the type DAI that was occurs.


Anestesi; cedera difus aksonal; cedera otak traumatik; anesthesia; diffuse axonal injury; traumatic brain injury

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