Penanganan Anestesi Wanita Hamil untuk Kraniotomi Emergensi Hematoma Subdural

Dewi Yulianti Bisri, Tatang Bisri


Trauma selama kehamilan, termasuk cedera kepala, adalah penyebab morbiditas dan kematian ibu akibat kecelakaan dan merupakan 6%-7% penyulit dari keseluruhan kehamilan dan pengelolaan pasien harus multidisiplin. Spesialis anestesiologi harus memahami perubahan fisiologi pada wanita hamil, implikasinya, dan risiko khusus pemberian anestesi selama kehamilan sehingga dapat dibuat perencaan penanganannya. Perubahan fisiologi yang unik dari kehamilan, terutama sistem kardiovaskuler, mempunyai keuntungan dan kerugian setelah trauma. Kami melaporkan seorang pasien, umur 28 tahun, dengan umur kehamilam 27-28 minggu masuk ke departemen emergensi akibat kecelakaan sepeda motor dengan Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) E1M4Vt, tekanan darah 130/70 mmHg, laju nadi 72 x/menit, laju nafas 16 x/menit, telah diintubasi dengan pipa endotrakhea no.6.5, pupil isokor, refleks cahaya positif, laju jantung fetus 140-144 x/menit, dan hasil CT-scan menunjukkan adanya subdural hematoma temporoparietal kanan. Anestesia endotrakheal dengan isofluran, oksigen/udara dengan monitor standar dan Doppler untuk memantau laju jantung fetus. Tujuan utama intervensi bedah saraf pada wanita hamil adalah adalah untuk kelangsungan hidup ibu dan anak. Sasaran utama penanganan anestesi untuk wanita hamil yang tidak dilakukan operasi obstetri adalah mempertahankan perfusi uteroplasenta. Peranan tim multidisiplin dalam penanganan pasien parturien dengan risiko tinggi tidak dapat diremehkan


Anesthetic Management of Pregnant Woman for Emergency Craniotomy Subdural Hematoma

Trauma during pregnancy, including head injury, is the leading cause of accidental maternal death and morbidity, and complicates 6%-7% of all pregnancies which requires multidisciplinary patient’s management. The anesthesiologist must understand the physiological changes of pregnancy, their implications, and the specific risks of anesthesia during pregnancy, so that the best anesthetic approach can be performed. The unique physiologic changes of pregnancy, particularly on the cardiovascular system, are both have advantage and disadvantage after acute traumatic injury. We reported a 28 years old parturient patient at 27-28 weeks of pregnancy who was admitted to emergency department due to motorcycle accident with Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of E1M4Vt, Blood Pressure 130/70 mmHg, Heart Rate 72 x/minute, Respiratory Rate 16 x/minute.The patient was already intubated using an endotracheal tube no.6.5, the pupils were equal, round and still reactive to light stimulation, fetal heart rate (FHR) was 140-144 x/minute, and head computed tomography scan showed right temporoparietal subdural hematoma. Endotracheal anesthesia was given with isoflurane, oxygen/air, with implementation of standard monitors and Doppler for FHR. The main aim of a neurosurgical intervention in a pregnant woman is to preserve the viability of both the mother and the infant. The main goal in the management of anesthesia for pregnant woman undergoing a non-obstetric surgery is to maintain the uteroplacental perfusion. The role of a multidisciplinary team in the care of high risk parturient patients cannot be avoided.


Wanita hamil; neuroanestesi; cedera otak traumatik; hematoma subdura; pregnant woman; neuroanesthesia; traumatic brain injury; subdural hematoma

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