Penatalaksanaan Anestesi pada Kehamilan dengan Tumor Medula Spinalis
Anestesi pada pembedahan nonobstetri dalam kehamilan merupakan tantangan khusus bagi ahli anestesi. Sekitar 0,75%–2% pembedahan nonobstetri dilakukan selama masa kehamilan. Setiap tahunnya di AS diperkirakan sekitar 75.000 wanita hamil menjalani anestesi dan pembedahan. Penatalaksanaan anestesi optimal memerlukan pemahaman mengenai perubahan fisiologi maternal, pertimbangan terhadap fetus akibat pembedahan dan anestesi, dan upaya mempertahankan perfusi uteroplasenta dan oksigenasi maternal-fetus. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah anestesi yang aman kepada ibu dan memelihara kesejahteraan janin. Kami melaporkan kasus wanita berusia 29 tahun dengan G4P1A2–1 25‒26 minggu janin tunggal hidup yang mengalami kelemahan motorik akut pada kedua tungkai bawah, gangguan sensibilitas semua kualitas setinggi Th6, serta inkontinensia urine dan alvi. Hasil pemeriksaan penunjang magnetic resonance imaging thorakolumbal menunjukkan suatu massa di daerah epidural setinggi C7–Th1 sisi kanan dan hambatan aliran likuor serebrospinal. Pasien dilakukan anestesi umum dengan intubasi endotrakeal. Induksi menggunakan propofol dan fentanyl, diikuti dengan penekanan krikoid. Fasilitas intubasi menggunakan vecuronium. Pemeliharaan menggunakan isofluran, oksigen, compressed air, bolus fentanyl dan vecuronium intravena intermitten. Posisi operasi adalah posisi prone. Intraoperatif ditemukan tumor ekstradura setinggi level C7–Th1, dilakukan laminektomi total dan stabilisasi dengan pemasangan pedicle screw. Pascabedah pasien menunjukkan perbaikan status neurologis dan kehamilan dapat dipertahankan sampai aterm.
Anesthesia Management for Spinal Cord Tumor in Pregnancy
Anesthesia management for non-obstetric surgery in pregnancy was considered a specific challenge for anesthesiologist. About 0,75–2% of non-obstetric surgery is performed during pregnancy. Annually in the US, about 75.000 pregnant women are exposed to anesthesia and surgery. Optimal anesthetic management requires comprehensive understanding on maternal physiologic changes, fetal consideration due to effect of surgery and anesthesia, and maintaining uteroplacental perfusion and maternal-fetal oxygenation. The endpoint is to provide safe anesthesia for both the mother and fetal well being. We reported a case of a 29-year old pregnant woman G4P1021 single fetus with 25–26 weeks of gestation, acute weakness of lower limbs, and sensibility impairment on all qualities at Th 6 level, as well as urine and alvi incontinence. Thoraco lumbal MRI examination showed epidural mass at C 7–Th 1 level of the right side vertebrae, and cerebrospinal fluid flow obstruction. The patient underwent general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation. Induction with propofol and fentanyl, followed by cricoid pressure. Intubation was facilitated with vecuronium. Maintenance with isoflurane, oxygen, compressed air, intermittent IV bolus of fentanyl and vecuronium. Surgery was performed on prone position. Extradural tumor at C7–Th1 vertebrae level was found intraoperatively and total laminectomy and stabilization with pedicle-screw were performed. Patient showed improvement in neurological status after the surgery, and the pregnancy was survived until aterm period.
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